Photography and Composition
What makes a good photograph
Photograph that stand out from the crowd usually use three elements in common

This is called an over shot. It is also known as a birds eye view it can make the character seem inferior and or vulnerable.

This is a worms eye shot. This shot makes a person/ character look important and assert their dominance.
This is a rule of third shot as the focus is in the middle on the face.
This is a 3/4 shot where both people are looking off camera and turned slightly

This is a long shot however the lighting used is Chiaroscuro. Which is a contrast between light and dark in the image.
This use of lighting is key lighting as the light is straight on his face leaving a light on the face.

This shot uses back lighting as we can see they are darker because the light is behind them
This is a birds eye view shot with the use of fill light straight on his face. This brings more attention to his outfit as you can't really see his face.
This picture uses back light which will bring the attention onto the background rather than the models.
This is a long shot which also uses Chiaroscuro which is the contrast between light and dark in a picture. This is what the shadow does.

This is a low angle mid shot . This makes hi seem powerful and significant as he is higher up.
This is an establishment shot of everyone in the picture this includes the whole background and other people in it.
This is a canted angle he is not looking straight on at the camera but a bit off.

This pic is a mid shot that uses back lighting to make the background pop
Photograph that stand out from the crowd usually use three elements in common
- Good subject
- Good lighting
- Good composition
Shot types
Establishing shot
A shot often taken from a distance-used to help the audience get an idea of this scene- location, time, etc. Often used at the beginning of the scene. Used to set the scene.
Long shot
Ashot often taken well back from the subject. If its of a person, the shot will show the whole body. Can be used in fight scenes.
Mid shot
A shot of a person just bellow their waist or elbows. used to show dominance of main image
Close up
A shot which shows the whole of the face (or specific body part) but no other part of the body. This is to show how the person is feeling and or to show little details on a person. Eg nivea advert to show flawless skin.
Camera angles
Low angle
A shot where the camera is placed below the subject. Creates a sense of power.
High angle
A shot where the camera is placed above the subject. This is to show inferiority and vulnerability.
Two shot
A shot with two characters in it- used to establish the relationship between the characters.
Over shoulder shot
A shot taken of one person from over the shoulder of another when the two are face to face
Straight on/ eye level/ eye-line
when the camera is positioned at eye level to the action
Over angle/ Birds eye veiw
An extreme high angle- when the camera is fully above or nearly above the action
Under angle/ worms eye view
an extreme low angle- when the camera is fully below or nearly below the action
Canted angle
When the camera is turned on its side and the subject is no longer vertical. Also know as the oblique angle and vertical angle.
Composition/ Framing
Centre of interest: A photograph should have a strong focal point. Determine what it is before composing your photo
Simplicity: Keep compositions simple avoiding busy backgrounds that distracts from a subject
Subject off centre: Place a subject slightly off-centre rather than in the middle of a photo Rule of thirds:
Vary angles: shoot at varying angles to capture a subject from a different viewpoints. move the camera higher or lower than you usually do.
Dramatic lighting adds interest to the photo
Subject made dark by photographing it against a light background (back lighting)
3 point lighting
- Key light
- fill light
- Back light
Chiaroscuro: In which harsh lighting creates contrast between areas of light and shade; used extensively in film noir as well as in many horror films.
This is a close up shot used to show emotion and expression
This shot is called a long shot it is used to show the full body.

This shot is an over the shoulder shot. It is used when you want to see something from the other persons view

This is called an over shot. It is also known as a birds eye view it can make the character seem inferior and or vulnerable.
This is called a mid shot it is usually from the waist up it is very common when taking pictures of a person
This is a symmetry shot. The word symmetry means both sides looking the same much like this pic the feet are positioned the same.

This is a worms eye shot. This shot makes a person/ character look important and assert their dominance.

This use of lighting is key lighting as the light is straight on his face leaving a light on the face.

This is a birds eye view shot with the use of fill light straight on his face. This brings more attention to his outfit as you can't really see his face.
This picture uses back light which will bring the attention onto the background rather than the models.
This is a long shot which also uses Chiaroscuro which is the contrast between light and dark in a picture. This is what the shadow does.

This is a low angle mid shot . This makes hi seem powerful and significant as he is higher up.
This is an establishment shot of everyone in the picture this includes the whole background and other people in it.
This is a canted angle he is not looking straight on at the camera but a bit off.

This pic is a mid shot that uses back lighting to make the background pop
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