Pre-production Mindmap

Here is my mind map containing all preproduction of a magazine. For example a pitch with would contain a presentation written on powerpoint or prezi to make it eye-catching for the buyer you could also write a speech and use visual stimuli. You would also need to look into health and safety requirements to ensure no one is hurt in the process of making the magazine. Another preproduction process includes a moodpboard, this is to gain ideas for the magazine and what it could look like.

During magazine pre production a GANTT chart is created. This is much like a time plan to ensure each part of the magazine will be done in time and who will be doing each job and when it should be done. A proposal should also be made to present your ideas to people. You should also draw sketches to have a rough idea of what your magazine should look like and how it will be laid out. I think the most important pre production material is legal ethical issues. This is so you don't run into any trouble such as liable slander, plagiarism and privacy issues as if you run into any of these things you/ your company could be sued the you may not have enough money to continue this product.


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